innovative food contamination testing device
A breakthrough technology that shows the safety of a food sample in a few seconds
Food Safety
Food Safety is the ultimate aim of everything done at Safe Food Detector. All of over activities are aimed toward developing a high technology device which will guarantee our customers’ and the customers of our costumers health and safety in real time testing environment
It pays you back!
Contribute to the Community
At Safe food Detector we are committed to our community where we live, work or study.
With the strong community values of Safe Food Detector, we are honored to support community initiatives such as food banks, local homeless shelters and kitchens, and children’s outreach programs.
High Technology
Safe Food Detector Device
The device’s size as well as affordability will enable everyone to use the device to test their food
Safe Food Detector device is based on an innovative lab-on-a-chip technology that enable the device to be used at home as well as in commercial kitchens and food manufacturing factories. The device have a washable, non-disposable probe that is used to collect data for food testing. The device combines several different types of probes to gather more data from the food sample. The data is interpreted by the CPU and converted into light or sound signals.
This Is Why
You Should Choose Us
Universal, easy-to-use solution
State-of-the-art technology
Durable, cost-effective solution
Smart supply management solution
Accurate and dependable information
Easy to use solution
The SafeFoodDetector device is small in size thanks to the lab–on–a–chip technology, which enables everyone, ranging from individuals at their homes to food manufacturers and food service establishments to observe the quality of food.